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Seriously, its 7 F***ing dollars, get a grip.No matter what it is that you want, you’re going to find it here… on 3XXX Pro! Our site is bursting at the seams with the hottest videos and full-length movies starring the best babes from all over the world.

I firmly believe that in the case of GHV, you have no one to blame for your disappointment but your unreasonable expectations. See how much effort it'll take you to draw and animate your expected 300+scenes and events for each character at a remotely decent level of quality. I urge you to try and create a game within the same time frame. To everyone complaining that they're disappointed at the 'lack' of scenes and missed potential - understand that not every game will be the hentai miracle you dream of and not every game will have everything the author promised. The amount of content the game has is more than enough for the modest 7$ price tag. The very first comments make it sound like GHV is another monthly japanese hentai game with 5 sprite scenes. I found the comments about how the game is lacking mechanically or in the H department utter bull. What really grinds my gears is the overabundance of entitlement and pretentious expectations. Hats off to Vosmug for giving us another great title in his distinct artstyle. In my opinion this is an excellent game and I loved every second of it.